Route 66 Cruisers Car Club Meeting Minutes- Carolyn Holden Route 66 Cruisers Car Club Secretary.
November 3, 2013

Dwayne Caldwell called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm

Kay Meacham read the treasury report. Motion to approve, seconded, approved.

Carolyn Holden read the minutes for October. Motion to approve, seconded, approved.

Carolyn Holden resigned as club secretary.

There were 63 spaces at our swap meet.

Pat introduced their mother Jane to the club

Dwayne let us know that the Cornwell's are at the meeting and they were instrumental in help starting our car shows

Dwayne open the floor for nominations for club president.
2 year terms

Ted Hancock and several others were nomination but all declined except Ted.
Motion was made to close nominations seconded, closed.
Ted Hancock will be our president for next year.

Brain Hodges resigned as Vice President.

Nominations were opened for Vice President.

Jerry Henry
Terry Haddock
Motion was made to close nominations, seconded, closed.

Nominations for secretary were opened.
Barbara Kelsey was nominated with no opposition.
Motion was made to make Barbara Kelsey club secretary, seconded, approved.

Nominations for treasurer were opened.
Nelda Conger was nominated with no opposition.
Motion was made to make Nelda Conger club treasurer, seconded, approved

Dwayne said we received money back on the t-shirts and it was deposited in the bank.

Ed spoke to us about this years toy run. Even though we had half the cars as last years run,
we still got as many toys.

A motion on the floor concerning this years Christmas Party.
If you make a reservation and do not show up, you are required to reimburse the club, for the amount of your dinner. Motion seconded, approved
We have til December 10th to sign up.

We need a Christmas party committee to oversee decorations, and arrangements for exchange of the gifts.

Ted spoke to us about the route 66 marathon. They want 10 cars and we have 8 or 9.
Inside the Tulsa Civic Center. 23rd & 24th of November.

We have literature on the Alaska Cruise.

Veterans parade November 11th. Line up at parade ground at 10am. Meet at VFW 9:30.

Motion to adjourn, seconed, approved at 5:49pm
